"You were woken up this morning because you're still needed here, by the universe and by someone."
 - Gabby Scollard


Gabby Scollard

Meet Gabby Scollard, a 20-year-old author, motivational speaker, and mental health advocate hailing from Bedford, Nova Scotia.

Gabby's journey through mental illness and recovery inspired her to pen 'Why I Stay - 365 reasons to stay alive when your mind is giving you every reason not to'. 

Gabby speaks about the harsh reality of mental illness issues in youth. From both her own personal experience and others, she provides insights that are 'relatable and raw'.

Check out Gabby's Book!

"Why I Stay" sets your focus on staying to see tomorrow. You don't always have to feel excited for the future; sometimes it's enough to simply be curious about what's to come.

365 Reasons to stay alive when your mind is giving you every reason not to.

Why I Stay - Book
Why I stay mental health and suicide prevention book
Gabby Scollard author of WHy I Stay - Mental Health Book
Gabby Scollard author of WHy I Stay - Sickboy podcast


“Gabby’s presentation is one that should be heard by everyone.  Her message could (and has) saved many lives.  Scarcely more than a teenager herself, she speaks from the heart about her experience with mental illness, which, despite being pervasive in society and among our youth, is still a sensitive, stigmatized subject..."

- TIffany Hubbard, English Teacher


For cost of presentation please contact:





Gabby is currently based in British Columbia, Canada.


Gabby can offer her presentations virtual or

mental health hoodie - canada

Why you want to choose me?

"Choose me for an impactful presentation on youth mental health. Drawing from my own experiences and those of others, I deliver insights that are both relatable and raw. My passion to end the stigma surrounding mental illness has only grown and I have made it my mission to provide tools for joy and strength!"